It is the dead of winter. It is cold. The kids are tired of their toys. I am tired of dressing kids in multiple layers of clothing for a 10 minute outing. ( well actually Ean lasts about 20 minutes Gabe and Jaden can last a little over an hour). Spring seems like a LONG ways away. What do you do to cure cabin fever? In the past we have done body painting ... this year we are doing something a bit more tame. We are creating things we like from recycled materials. I have been stockpiling various "junk" for the better part of last year...foam from computer packaging, paper tubes, cardboard, cereal boxes, fabric scraps. Brian has brought home various packing materials from unpacking computers at work and I happen to be the daughter of an awesome urban scavenger. My dad frequents special spots in the city for "junk"-- giant cardboard spools, plastic spools from industrial sewing machines, wood scrap--you name it he can find it. Anyway the months of collecting have paid off and we have begun our construction. The following things the kids have made with little to no help (except for Ean) My main job was hot glue.
Gabe has been working on scnery for his Lionel train model . We recently learned how to create mountain-scapes from some scraps of rigid foam insulation and plaster of paris.

Gluing some miniatures on...with trees and shrubs
And we have the final product!

Gabe has also been wanting to make a crane for his train table. (Similar to cranky the crane in the Thomas movies) So he did. He had some help from dad designing the pulley mechanism.

Jaden has been working very hard on a castle. He has for sometime wanted the playmobile castle. I told him he should make he did. And it looks awesome!!!

look carefully through the drawbridge...
And finally Ean wanted to make something too. He decided on a train (big surprise)
and it had to be YELLOW!
And of course Ben had to get in on the action...
Now that's not to say there has not been any lego creating...Gabe's recent lego model is a shark...