According to the National Weather Service in Gray, Maine; Portland (just 30 minutes south of us) has experienced the 7th wettest June on record since 1871--seeing precipitation (ranging from drizzle to torrential downpours) on 20 of 30 days. July does not seem to be much different. Today is July 10th. It has rained (again in some form and based on my memory of the last few weeks) all but maybe three of the days. And on those three days that were not complete washouts we had thunderstorms. All this to say we are in winter mode. The kids are tired of playing in the rain and mud, tired of overcast. It has lost its luster. So we are spending most of our days inside playing board games, reading books, video gaming and of course playing legoes. One thing I have noticed is how much my kids' building has matured. For my older two guys their attention to detail and just the sheer complicatedness (is that even a word?) of what they are building has really changed. For my kindergarten guy he has grown in confidence and his own abilities to build and create.

Ean's airplane |
Jaden's small tank |
Ben's tank (he had help) |
Ean's train |